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Impact for Christ Ministries (IFCM) is a ministry located in Johannesburg, South Africa. It is overseen by Prophet Phillip Banda, an anointed man of God who established the church in the year 2000 with only 10 members.

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You are welcome to plant into the ministry of Impact for Christ Ministries, and join the ministry in the aim to reach out and touch many lives through the Gospel of Jesus Christ. The seed you plant by donating helps accomplish the greater works of our Lord Jesus Christ that the ministry is engaged in. May God's abiding grace in our Lord Jesus Christ be upon you. Thank you for planting a good seed in faith. Stay in faith in Christ.

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Request To Visit Us.

At Impact for Christ Ministries South Africa we welcome visitors from around the globe to witness first hand evidence that JESUS CHRIST is the same yesterday, today and forever! Do you want to receive, partake and witness the demonstration of God’s power in our generation through His servant Prophet Philip Banda? If so do not hesitate to contact us for more details on how to visit.

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Teachings Catalogue

All the teachings ever taught by the Man of God, Prophet Philip Banda are recorded and majority of them are available online for purchase through once of payments and subscription.
You are welcome to browser through our extensive catalogue of teachings that will inspire you, impact you and change your life forever.

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The gospel is expanding to all four corners of the world and genuine seekers of truth are welcome to the Kingdom of God, to receive eternal life.

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